
Hindi Diwas celebration

On the occasion of Hindi Diwas, an event was organised by Madhuban Publications on September 14, 2023 at the PHD Chamber in Hauz Khas. The event aimed to celebrate the rich cultural heritage of the Hindi language and its role in the 21st century. Distinguished educators graced the occasion. Dr Shikha Sharma, Ms Kajal Soni and Ms Mridula Tiwari attended the event.

The chief guest for the day was Mr Virendra Kumar Yadav, member of the Hindi Salahkar Samiti, Government of India and President of the Bharat Antarrashtriya Hindi Parishad. He is an invaluable source of expertise and experience. His presence added prestige to the celebration.

The event commenced with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony. This was followed by panel discussions which were thought-provoking. The discussions highlighted the significance of Hindi in our diverse and dynamic society. The central theme of the event was Hindi in the 21st century. The participants engaged in lively discussions exploring the evolving dynamics of the Hindi language in various aspects of society, including literature, education, media, and culture. The speakers shared their perspectives on how Hindi continues to adapt and thrive in the modern world while preserving its classical essence.

The guest speakers for the day included Dr Anamika, Mr Dinesh Kanpal, Dr Prabha Kiran Jain and Dr Usha Sharma. Dr Anamika, versatile writer and novelist, Professor of English at Delhi University, shared her thoughts on the evolving literary landscape of Hindi literature in contemporary times, along with her experiences as a bilingual writer. She also spoke about the role of a teacher. A teacher encompasses not only the transmission of knowledge but also the significant responsibility of nurturing and shaping the character of his/her students.

Senior TV journalist and senior editor on the Hindi news channel, India TV, Mr Dinesh Kandpal provided a unique perspective on the evolving role of Hindi in media and communication. Mr Kandpal discussed his book, 'Parakram,' which delves into real-life situations within the ambit of military and defence. He highlighted the unique challenges of finding appropriate Hindi vocabulary related to warfare, emphasising the scarcity of such terminology. He expressed his commitment to contribute to the evolution of Hindi vocabulary for better articulation of intricacies of modern warfare situations in the years to come.

Dr Prabha Kiran Jain, renowned poet and author, enriched the event with her profound understanding of Hindi literature and its relevance. She provided insights into her book, 'Bharat Nama,' during her presentation. She addressed the central question of 'What is Bharat in Bharat Nama?' and elaborated on the themes and concepts explored within the book. Furthermore, Dr Jain discussed the evolving landscape of literature, particularly in the context of children's literature. She highlighted a significant shift in the way children engage with content, mentioning that in the upcoming years, books might transition into more visual forms, such as posters. This awareness of evolving language trends is crucial for effectively engaging with young readers.

Dr Usha Sharma, Professor, Primary Education Department, NCERT gave her insight into the importance of Hindi in the 21st century. She delivered a comprehensive overview of the distinctions between the new education policy and its predecessor from 2005. She highlighted certain key points including the medium and aim of education, importance of lesson plans, learning outcomes and the need for the empowerment of teachers. She emphasised the use of the mother tongue or regional language as the medium of instruction, an important aspect of the new policy. The primary goal of education, as outlined in the new policy, is the pursuit of self-realisation, promoting holistic development rather than rote learning. She reiterated the idea of education being outcome-oriented and focused on skill development. She discussed the role of teachers, stating that they are the 'kings' of their classrooms. The new policy advocates giving teachers the freedom to adopt innovative teaching methods and encourages flexibility in their approaches. Overall, Dr Usha Sharma's presentation provided valuable insights into the key differences between old and new education policies, shedding light on the transformative approach of the latter in fostering a more inclusive, flexible, and outcome-driven education system.

The event concluded with a cultural programme and artistic performances that celebrated the language's vibrancy. The Hindi Diwas event was a resounding success. It served as a platform for educators, scholars, and Hindi enthusiasts to come together, reflect on the language's evolving role, and celebrate its legacy in the 21st century. The presence of distinguished guests and speakers made this event a memorable and enriching experience for all attendees. Hindi Diwas continues to be an occasion that reminds us of the importance of preserving and promoting our linguistic heritage while embracing the changes and challenges of the modern world.