
Honour at Eco - Commerce related inter school fest at DPS Mathura Road

On 9 August 2023, students from The Indian School participated in Econfluence organised by the Economics and Consumer Club of DPS, Mathura Road. The competition comprised of many events.

In the event titled Cinematic Loons, four students presented a skit on the topic Scam in Banks. Rudra Punj (XII A), Amrita Arun (XII E), Md Kabir and Paavni Khanna (XI E) showcased their talents with the help of music and props. The event was well-organised and all performances were mesmerising.

The Chitrakari Competition was held in the art room where participants were provided with half imperial sized sheets to make a poster on the topic 'Life Beyond Floods' using any medium of art and colours. The students were given two hours to complete their posters. Falak Rahi of class XII-E, secured the Second Position in this event. She depicted how people can help and provide support to flood victims.

In the event titled Economania, participants from different schools were organised into groups of six and were given a pictorial prompt the day prior to the event. Akshita Gupta of class 12E, represented The Indian School. The students were to identify the underlying economic issue depicted in the picture. The event started with each participant making a speech for thirty seconds followed by an unmoderated discussion for ten minutes and then making closing statements. It was a really fruitful experience for the participants as it allowed them to utilise and implement their existing knowledge of economic concepts to identify economic problems and to find solutions for them. It gave them an opportunity to explore the varying perceptions of their teammates allowing them to see the economic issue in a broader view.

Khushi and Akshita Chandel of class XII C participated in the event Investopad. Their team had to come up with an idea for a startup which they had to pitch to the investors who were the judges. In Battle of Krisis event, Pavani from XIIC, discussed investment ideas to promote sustainable growth, climate justice and gender inclusivity in the private sector in Trkiye. The students performed well and also gained appreciation.

Overall, it was an exuberating as well as a great learning experience for the students.