
Inhouse Workshop on Dyslexia

A workshop on Dyslexia was conducted by Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema, School Counselor and Ms Madhuri Rajdev, Special Educator on 9 January, 2014 in the A V room. The objective of the workshop was to bring in a greater awareness about the ailment to help identify victims suffering from it without delay and suggest strategies that can be adopted by the teacher in the classroom to uplift performance.

The workshop began with a video clipping from the movie 'Taare Zameen Par ',nwhich highlights this disorder. It was reinforced that dyslexia is just a reading disability and it does not define a child's I Q.

It was clarified that the ailment is a neurological condition which turns into a learning disability and affects a person's reading, spelling and understanding abilities which can however be addressed with support, training and teaching.

Teachers were guided about recognizing students with dyslexia through common characteristics that exist amongst them. They were also informed about differences between both Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia with Dyslexia. Dysgraphia is characterized by problems of writing and Dyscalculia affects a student's ability to understand and manipulate numbers.

The teachers were informed about probable indications of learning disability at the pre-school level, as well as at the primary, middle and secondary levels. Some teachers shared their experiences about how they had dealt with students they had come across. They also commented on the various strategies like positive reinforcement, etc that they use to make teaching and learning effective. The speakers also explained the practices that they are using at our School.

NCERT and CBSE offer concessions to students during examinations and while choosing subjects. This practice is also implemented at our school. Exemptions and concessions are given to students to enable as well as motivate them. A video clipping which showed famous personalities, known to have been dyslexic, like Einstein, Edison, Churchill, Tom Cruise and Abhishek Bachchan was popular!

The necessity to respect the privacy of students was sought to be reinforced. Similarly the need to bolster them to aspire high and climb the height. Albeit, a step at a time.

Reported by Ms. Nidhi Bindra.