
INTACH workshop on art conservation

On the 8th October 2018, four students of classes VIII and IX accompanied by Ms. Nidhi Bhardwaj, attended a workshop on Art Conservation organised by INTACH - Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage.

INTACH is an organisation working for restoration and preservation of cultural heritage. HECS- Heritage Education and Communication Services focuses on educating and sensitising people to the preservation of Indian heritage as a division of INTACH. We were shown a small video representing the work and efforts HECS has made to spread awareness on the preservation and restoration of our cultural heritage. The workshop emphasised the need to conserve art forms more specifically various types of paintings and art works.

We were given an orientation on art conservation by Dr. Padma Rohilla. She enlightened us about the steps undertaken for conserving art forms in addition to the factors that age and damage such paintings, notable amongst them are damage due to light, humidity and pollution which causes discoloration, fading and weakening of the material. Subsequently, we were taken to INTACHs Restoration Lab where they showed us the various processes undertaken while restoring a piece of art which included cleaning of the art work, stabilisation, structural repair and reintegration of losses.

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After an exploratory discussion on the topic, we were asked to perform a small practical as a part of Hands-On Activity. We were given a photograph, two cut cardboard pieces, specialized tape and scissors. The activity was to mount the photograph in a way that it can be preserved and does not get destroyed over time. It was our endeavour to perform efficiently to the best of our abilities. Our teachers for that day were highly impressed with our efforts. At the conclusion a small ceremony was held where we were given certificates for our achievements.

The visit to INTACH was incredibly informative and satisfactory in terms of knowledge and exposure to the need of preservation and restoration of our cultural heritage. The workshop gave us an insight into the ways and means of restoration.

Vanshika Kanaujia, IX-B