
Inter-School Declamation Contest

Our students, Param Singh of class XI and Jahnnobi Roy of class XII, participated in the 53rd Gowardhan Dass Inter-School Declamation Contest held at Springdales School, Pusa Road on 30 April, 2019. The event was judged by a panel of educationists comprising Ms Usha Ram, Ms Rachna Pant and Ms Rachna Sati. Mr Atul Gulati (ex-Springdalian from 1980 batch) presided over the event. The event saw a turnout of 27 schools from Delhi NCR. Each school had sent two of their best speakers to compete in the event. DPS Mathura Road, Modern School (Barakhamba Road) Springdales School (Dhaula Kuan), Bluebells International School, Convent of Jesus and Mary, Carmel Convent, Shri Ram Millennium (Noida) and Mothers International School were some of the schools that participated in the competition.

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The students had to choose a topic ( drawn by lots) and were given 30 minutes to prepare for the same. They were then asked to speak for 2 minutes on the topic chosen by them. There was a wide range of topics dealing with the current problems of national and international importance. Can Nationalism and Patriotism co-exist? Selfie mania: Narcissism or self-expression, Did #Metoo movement fail its own cause? What should electoral agendas prioritise? These were some of the interesting topics that were discussed on stage. Param spoke on Artificial intelligence- a disruptive apprehension or a tool for social good whereas Jahnnobi expressed her views on Aggression and sledging- an essential part of team sports. All the participants did a commendable job and spoke with confidence and lan.