
Interaction with an author, classes 5 and 6.

You are never lonely when you have a book to read and to witness this experience, a few students of classes 5 and 6 got an opportunity to meet the well-known author of the book, The Misfits, Ms. Kate Darnton, at a book- reading event. The event was hosted by The Sri Ram School , Vasant Vihar on 25 February, 2015 and was organised for few exclusive schools of Delhi such as Vasant Valley, Modern School, Mothers International, Sri Ram School- Aravali and our School.

Kate, mother of 3 lovely daughters has lived in Delhi for 5 years and dedicates this book to her stay here which was extended from 10 months to 5 years, as she was lured by the people and their warmth! The story was inspired by true incidents in their lives during their stay.

While Ms. Darnton read out excerpts from her book, the children sat tight-lipped, fascinated and filled with curiosity! They could not wait to read and discover the rest of the book, it seemed! Here is something which one of the students at the session said.


I consider myself extremely lucky to have got such an opportunity. Our first impression about the author was that she was friendly, kind-hearted and absolutely loved to have kids around her. She had brought two of her three daughters, namely Sophie and Charlotte along with her and she joked that some children at school had ended up calling her daughter Charlotte, salad!

Although there were squeals of laughter at this, it was embarrassing to know how Indian kids had treated them. Then she told us about how she got the idea of writing the book. She had maintained a daily diary of their family, from which most of the wonderful ideas were taken and then magically transformed into a book, The Misfits! To think that a simple thing like a diary can help you gain so much fame! Most of us decided to keep a diary from that very day!

We were delighted to find the book was on sale and were even more pleased to see Ms. Darnton signing each book , and believe it or not, she even agreed to write our names on the first page of every copy! We felt very proud when the author made a special mention about the students from our School. She said that we made a lovely audience!

As for me, I will treasure the book she gave me, my whole life.


All of us have been misfits at some point of time in some situations of our life. The book inspires us to tackle such situations and come out of them as a winner. It also makes a special mention about The Right to Education Act introduced by The Indian Government, and how it has been a stepping stone towards bridging up the gap between the privileged and not so privileged ones, but there is a long way to go.

A special mention by the author herself about The Indian School children being a lovely audience, made their day.

Compiled by:

Vandana Tewari