
Interaction with an ISRO expert on Chandrayaan 3 mission

On 19 August 2023, Aparna Singh of XI-B and Palak Agarwal of IX-D had the privilege of participating in the enlightening event titled EduOdyssey: Chandrayaan-3 and Beyond held at Bal Bharati Public School in Pitampura. The event featured a captivating interaction with Mr N. Raghu Meetei, Deputy Director at the Directorate of Technical Development and Interface (DTDI) of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

The session primarily focused on the Chandrayaan-3 mission and its implications for India's space exploration efforts. Mr Meetei shared insights into the technical advancements, challenges, and goals associated with the mission. His engaging presentation shed light on the crucial role of ISRO in pushing the boundaries of lunar exploration.

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During the event, Mr Meetei delved into the intricacies of lunar missions, touching upon subjects such as propulsion systems, landing techniques, and scientific objectives. He emphasised the collaborative nature of space exploration and the international partnerships that contribute to the success of missions like Chandrayaan-3.

The audience, comprising students, educators, and space enthusiasts, had the opportunity to ask questions and gain new insights into India's space endeavors. Mr Meetei's responses provided valuable information on career paths in space science, the importance of innovation, and the country's long-term goals in space research.

The EduOdyssey: Chandrayaan-3 and Beyond event left a lasting impression on the participants by highlighting the significance of space exploration and showcasing the strides India has made in the field. The event served as an exceptional platform for learning and inspiration, fostering a deeper appreciation for space science and technology among the attendees.