
Interaction with School Chairman for classes 6 and 7 on Democracy

On 21 January 2021, the students of classes VI and VII had a virtal interaction with the chairman of our School, Mr. Prafull Goradia, on the subject,"Democracy". The session was very educative as he shared perspectives on the. meaning and significance of democracy with examples from across the world.

Mr Goradia spoke about the evolution of democracy, explaining the difference between indirect and direct democracy that existed in Athens. The Rule of Law was explained to the students with reference to King John, who signed the historic Magna Carta, which paved the way for the creation of a law-making body called parliament.

Sir explained the concept of indirect democracy and added that in such a democracy, the citizens elect representatives to make laws on their behalf as the population is large and it is not possible for people to make laws themselves. One of the students asked about the seven principles of democracy which Mr Goradia explained in detail with relevant examples.

Mr Goradia then cited the example of Germany where an ill managed Reichtsag gave way to the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler in 1931. However, after the death of Hitler in 1945, democracy was again established in 1948. He also told the students about the Scandinavian countries and Italy which were traditionally agnostic but eventually turned towards democracy.

Mr Goradia summed up the talk by listing the implications of the flaws of democracy and how they are linked with the Act of 1935 of the British. The students were surprised to learn that it was indeed that act which formed the skeleton of the Indian democracy as it stands today.

The session was a great learning experience and enabled students learn far beyond their textbooks.

Drishti, Kamreen and Rudrakshya, class VII-C.