
Interaction with School chairman on the importance of Skill Development for classes 7 and 8

The auditorium of School resounded with the excited chatter of over a 100 students on Tuesday, 20 February 2018. This was an assembly of students of classed 7 and 8 who had gathered to interact with chairman sir. Interaction with Mr. Prafull Goradia, Chairman of The Indian School is always a great privilege for the students as his vast bank of knowledge and experience always manages to overwhelm them,

Mr. Goradia spoke about inhibitions amongst ordinary Indians in the society of his youth. The confidence of todays Indians was simply absent. He told students of the time when he felt ashamed to let it be known that he had a professional drivers license when he was interviewed for a job in a dominantly British tea company! He had taken a professional drivers licence as a backup in the event nothing else came his way. He felt agonised for almost 5 months for he had lied about his licence. He could only rest in relief when he finally he acquired an ordinary license to show his employers!

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Chairman sir talked about his father who did not approve of a young niece of the family taking a job as a pastry chef! She was promptly referred to as bawarchi by Mr. Goradias father! But the young girl was determined and went ahead to become one of the top pastry chefs in the country.

He told the students that no job is big or small and that the collective view of employment depends upon the social situation. He reminded students that they must remember to always be economic citizens, producing more for their country than their own cost.

He told the students that the Indian economy will only expand with the employment greater numbers of her youth. He advised students to pursue relevant and practical training to secure better jobs.

Mr. Goradias words motivated students to introspect as they prepare to become better citizens and change-makers of the future. We look forward to more such meetings with Mr. Prafull Goradia.

Ms. Meenakshi Manoj, class 7-E.