
Interaction with the School chairman on One Nation One Election- classes 11 and 12

Yet again, we the students of classes 11 and 12 had the privilege to listen and discuss a very topical subject with our School chairman who we feel is a bank of expansive knowledge on 10 July, 2019. We engaged in a detailed

discussion this time, one of the many prize occasions that School grants us from time to time.

The students asked Mr Goradia about the country, its future and its past and Sir was happy to see such an enthusiastic audience. He shared many of his anecdotes with the students along with his personal viewpoints on our judicial, legislative and executive systems. He also shared his aspirations regarding the future of our country with the students. He highlighted how several elections lined up in different states ar intervals leave less time and energy for governance and more time and money is spent on planning and campaigning for elections. Sir shared the reforms that can be brought in to introduce One Nation One Election which can help us save money and time. Sir suggested a workable solution related to One Nation One Election and how it can be made successful. Sir suggested that certain specific months be allotted for state and centre elections like all states having elections in the month of May and the central government election can be scheduled, say, in the month of October. He also suggested that in order to avoid a situation of re-election in the case of the dissolution of a state government before the end of its term, the opposition should come up with a proposed government before passing any No Confidence Vote against the ruling government.

The audience left extremely satisfied and so did our chairman with a pleasant grin on his face as always. As he rightly says

We try to build ocean liners with Indian anchors and ethical rudders and indeed talks like these would help our young minds move in that direction.

Arav Dimri