
Interaction with the School chairman on the Ayodhya verdict

The students of classes VIII and IX got an opportunity to interact with chairman, Mr Prafull Goradia, to understand the landmark Ayodhya verdict. The students freely expressed their opinions at a session conducted on 20 November, 2019 in the School auditorium.

As we know the Ayodhya verdict was delivered by the Supreme Court on 9 November 2019. During the interaction Sir spoke about his own experience of the day when the Babri Masjid was demolished. He then explained why it was incorrect to call the structure a masjid.

The interaction began with Sir asking the students about their understanding of the long standing dispute. Sir explained why the demolished structure couldnt have been a mosque because mosques in India are required to have a minaret which was not present in this structure. While explaining, he told the children about his travels from Istanbul to Ankara where he saw mosques with minarets every 20-30 kms. He talked about how it was almost impossible for Babur to have built such a structure, since in the 16th century the construction would have almost taken 5-8 years whereas Baburs reign only lasted 4 years!

The students heard Sir describe the events he witnessed on 6 December 1992 and how the dome of the structure was demolished. By 9 December 1992, all the debris was cleared and the CRPF jawans also jointly contributed a sum of Rs 9,000 for the Ram Mandir! Sir talked about the Liberhan Commission that was set up to look into the destruction of the disputed structure and how the litigation process was initiated in 1885 by a gentleman named Raghuwar Das.

Towards the end, Sir enlightened the students about the Battle of Karbala and the animosity between the two sects of Muslims, Shia and Sunni.

The students learnt about the events that were missing from most of the sources of study regarding the longest running dispute and went back with their questions appropriately answered. The session helped students gain a fresh perspective on the Verdict.