
International Literacy Day webinar for class 5

" If we are to reach real peace..we shall have to begin with the children." Mahatma Gandhi (cited in Larsen & Micheels-Cyrus 1986).

Every year, UNESCO observes International Literacy Day based on a theme. The theme this year is " Literacy for the human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide". Teachers have worked all over the world to keep the digital divide narrow.

The Indian School held a webinar for the students of class 5 to mark International Literacy Day on 8 September 2021.

Resource person, Ms Sajani Nair T.R, is the librarian at Bhavan Vidyashram, in Chelembra, Mallapurram District. Highly qualified, Ms Nair has done her graduation in both physics and library science. She has done an MA in English Literature and is NET qualified.

The erudite book lover was accorded a warm welcome by Aryan Singh and Hemakshi Talwar of class 5C. Ms Nair gave an example from The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling to emphasise the importance of literacy and asked the young audience what they imagine literacy to mean.

Ms Nair explained the difference between literacy and illiteracy. She defined the role of UNESCO in spreading education and literacy. She spoke about the role of children in handling digital literacy.

Ms Nair motivated the children to work together in spreading literacy by helping the poor and needy. The curious children enquired how they can contribute to the cause. She advised them to begin in their homes and help the needy achieve literacy.

Ayaan Arora of class V C delivered the vote of thanks.

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Feedback received from parents and students:

After the webinar, my understanding of how literacy plays an eminent part in our lives has increased manifold. I also understood how we can contribute to helping underprivileged kids achieve literacy.

The webinar also taught me how important it is to communicate effectively and be well-versed with the current events shaping our world.

Aisha Nayyar Class VB

The presentation was interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed the session. I look forward to more such sessions.

Priyal Jain V-C

It was a wonderful and informative webinar. The students did an excellent job.

Gitansh Taneja V-C

I enjoyed the webinar as it was very interactive, extremely entertaining, and very well organised.

Misha Singhal V A

The webinar was awesome and informative. Sajani ma'am explained the importance of literacy very well.

Samridhi Sharma

Thank you, maam, for organising such an informative webinar for the kids. It was an amazing experience and Arnavjeet thoroughly enjoyed learning the importance of being literate. As a parent, I sincerely appreciate your effort in making the children understand the importance of education and literacy in a fun way. I look forward to more such webinars to assist in his growth as a wonderful human being.

My sincere gratitude to Ms Sajani Nair for conducting such an interactive and amazing webinar and making children understand the worth of literacy through the story they love the most.


Arpita(Mother of Arnavjeet class 5 A)

The webinar was extremely wonderful. The children learned a lot from it. Webinars like this should happen often. We, the children understood the importance of studies and will try to inspire others too.

Aryan Singh V-C

Respected Madam

It was a good session on International Literacy Day.

The ideas and solutions to implement this concept of educating everyone, which is the basic right of all, were depicted lucidly with interactive videos, pictures, and question answers.

Nice concept, nice message.

Thanks to the school for making efforts to let this kind of webinars happen.


Dr. Meera k. Bhojani,Mother of,Ishan S. Bhatted Class 5-E

Let me first congratulate the entire team of The Indian School for putting up such an educative and splendid webinar. The dedication and effort of the guest speaker, teachers, and students were showing clearly. Thank you for letting Hemakshi be a part of this. A special thanks to Naina maam and Tarannum maam for your encouragement and support!

Thanks and Regards

Mother of Hemakshi Talwar 5C

The webinar on Literacy Day today was not only educative but also great fun.

Samarth was very excitedly telling me about everything he learned.

Thank you for organising a comprehensive, engaging, and interesting webinar.

Soumya Sharma Agarwal (Mother of Samarth Agarwal 5-A)

The webinar was engrossing, and it instilled in Ayaan a curiosity for the subject. Literacy Day may have been celebrated every year, but we became completely aware of the significance of this day through the webinar. The resource person was very knowledgeable, and they had Ayaan and my attention during the whole course of the webinar. I loved how the resource person explained the subject through a story, showing multiple dimensions of the same, beautifully bringing out the importance of literacy for the children. Ayaan also thoroughly enjoyed being the emcee for this virtual gathering. We look forward to more such webinars! Thank you for the initiative, Tarannum ma'am!

Urvashi Arora, Mother of Ayaan Arora 5-C

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