International Storytellers Festival for class 5
Story telling has always been an intrinsic part of our culture. Alas with time, technology is steadily replacing the old time charm of reading stories and storytelling. Children these days are mostly engrossed in watching television or are hooked on Facebook and WhatsApp. Their power to imagine and create is threatened by the mostly mindless content of video games and television.
To revive that age old tradition of storytelling and prompting new imagination amongst the children, School organised an excursion for students of class V on 1st December, 2017 to the International Storytellers Festival. 53 students participated in this excursion which was held at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts.
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The children sat besides the stage to listen to some talented storytellers Peter Chand and Shaguna Gahilote from India and Joe Baele from Belgium. The stories they narrated, stirred the children in awe and excitement and they eagerly responded during the interactive session with the storytellers.
The excursion happily recreated the the days of timeless grandma tales, nudging them to dreams and make belief in their innocence. Creativity cannot but catch up...
Ms. Simi Robertson.