
Investiture Ceremony 2021-22

The Indian School held the Investiture Ceremony of the Senior Student Council for 2021-22 on 10 September 2021 in the Foundation Hall at The Indian School. The parents of the newly elected student body and representatives of the PTA attended the solemn event. The pandemic restrictions and protocols were strictly adhered to during the entire ceremony.

The function commenced with a beautiful rendition of the Ganesh Vandana by Aarushi Menon, the newly appointed Editorial Captain.

Principal Ms Tania Joshi, in her address to the Council, emphasised its duties and obligations to be worthy role models in every aspect.

Ms Gandharvi Mukherjee called out the names of the Council members by turn. Looking smart in their school uniforms, each member took position centre stage as Ms Mukherjee, highlighted their admirable qualities and achievements. The air filled with a sense of pride as the Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, and Vice-Principal, Dr Anu Singh, pinned the appointment badge and placed the sash on each member of the Senior Student Council for 2021-22.

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Anushka Saxena, Head Girl led the oath-taking ceremony. The council members pledged to embody and uphold the ideals of the School and promised to be worthy leaders for their peers to emulate. The momentous occasion symbolised the beginning of a new phase in their lives as student leaders of The Indian School.

The programme concluded with the elected student body singing the School Song.

Senior Student Council 2021-22

Head Boy Gunveer Singh Dhir

Head Girl Anushka Saxena

Discipline Captain (Boys) - Devansh Bhoi

Discipline Captain (Girls) - Vanshika Kanaujia

Co-Curricular Captain Shruti Arora

Sports Captain Auro Sankalp

Editorial Captain Aarushi Menon

Citizenship Captain Riya Bajpai

Life Skills And Wellness Captain Jiya Jawa

Ideation Captain Sarvagya Puri

Campus Management Captain Piyush Rangra

House Captains

Chandra House Akshay Mehta

Indra House Ananya Arora

Varun House Paakhi Rajpal

Surya House Sehajnoor Kaur Dhir

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