
Kargil Diwas celebrations

"When you go home...tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, wegave our today!" Epitaph at the Kohima War Cemetry

Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed every year on 26 July to honour thebrave soldiers of the Indian army who selflessly laid down their lives to safeguard India's borders. This year marks the 22nd commemorationof victory at Kargil.

The Indian School observed Kargil Vijay Diwas with a series ofactivities aimed at remembering the glorious deeds of the martyrs. Students from class 5 upwards were shown a video documentary of one ofthe missions undertaken in Chorbat La, the gateway for incursions by the enemy.

The teachers presented a background of the war with the help of aPower Point presentation. At the end, the students attempted a quiz based on the Kargil war. The presentations opened the door for a discussion. Many students shared their thoughts and feelings. Their every word paid a rich tribute to the fallen heroes and the sacrifices made by them in the line of duty. These martyrs shall forever live on in the memories of a grateful nation. Their tales of valour shall inspire generations of young Indians.