
' Knowing Our Heritage'JAM Session at INTACH

To mark World Heritage Day, INTACH organized a JAM session on 24th April, 2015 at Heritage Centre Lodi Estate. Bhavika Sharma and Simran Narula of class X represented our School at this coveted event which was attended by students from 30 schools of Delhi and NCR.

The programme began with a presentation on Delhis Heritage by Ms. Annabel Lopez, an NGO representative, who along with ASI and INTACH, is working for the naming of Delhi as a world heritage city. The students gathered on the occasion, exchanged views on a veritable range of topics like Atthi Devo Bhava, Eco-Tourism, Indifference towards our heritage Delhi My City , Importance of Delhis heritage and "What can we do to improve our city?"

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Bhavika and Simran presented a stimulating viewpoint on what students can do to preserve Delhi's heritage for posterity.They highlighted the 'Adopt the Monument' project in which our School is an active partner. Our class XII students are handed the responsibility of creating awareness amongst their younger schoolmates, starting from class V. They conduct 'clean-up drives', story-telling sessions and even art mornings at the monument regularly and have generated a good deal of enthusiasm for the cause already.

The JAM session concluded with an interactive session with Ms. Swapna Liddle, historian and heritage walk leader, on how children, the future of tomorrow, can play a profound role in preserving the heritage of a city, the state and the country.

This was a whole new and enriching experience for us, and we await more such occasions.

Simran Narula.