
Literary Week Classes VI -IX

The students of our School were privileged to experience the spirit of literature in its various genres from the 20th to 24th of April, 2015 where they savoured a treat of interesting events and innovative activities. Literary Week is an annual feature on our School calendar. It aims at infusing in the children, an appreciation, understanding and love for literature. It also involves various activities for each class and ensures participation of all students. It not only enriches knowledge but also provides a platform to showcase talent.

The Kabuliwala story-telling session by renowned theatre-artist, Mr. Kamal Pruthi, recipient of the ATSA ( Art Think South Asia 2014) fellowship and the artistic director of a young theatre company 'Museum Theatre' was the highlight of the week this year, as it was a almost a cathartic experience for the students of class VII!

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As is the tradition of Literary Week, our School was also visited by a young writer Ms. Meghna Singhi who shared her experiences and gave handy tips to the students of classes VIII and IX on how to improve their writing skills. She also read an excerpt from her novel The Case Files of P.I. Pojo.

The children were equally enthusiastic during the movie- screening sessions of William Shakespeares, The Tempest and the Taming of the Shrew. The Sound of Music with emphasis on the music was a special favourite.

Additionally, numerous literary activities were conducted for the students including, collage-making, Bulls Eye, Spellathon, Book Buffet and story-narration. Students were introduced to a plethora of literary geniuses across genres in English, Hindi, Sanskrit and French. Stories of Sudha Murthy, the renowned Kannada writer, were also narrated by the teachers.

During the special assembly that marked the culmination of Literary Week, the audience was enthralled by a power-point presentation on Lewis Carrolls Alice in Wonderland, as the world celebrates its 150th anniversary with a focus on Alice as a fashion icon!

Paying rich tribute to Gunter Grass, the famous novelist, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, sculptor and recipient of the 1999 Nobel for literature, who passed away recently, the students of class 9D; Sudhanshu, Daisy and Abhimanyu presented a power- point presentation on the journey of his life. Another power- point presentation by Gauri and Aditya of class VIII D as a quiz was presented where the students excitedly identified pictures of famous literary personalities in history.

Reinforcing the spiralling theme at our School, ( the western coast of India), Anisha Mathur from class IX C recited a poem A Hot Noon in Malabar by Kamla Das.

Students were exposed to French culture as they researched on festivals and famous monuments in France. A skit was presented in the assembly. Beautiful projects on the famed Eiffel Tower and different cities were made.

The students discussed relevant literary works of various writers in Sanskrit. A discussion was held on the writing styles of writers like Kalidas, Banbhatt and Bhavbhuti.

In Hindi, the students enjoyed reading and hearing stories of Premchand, Mahadevi Verma and Rabindranath Tagore. The activities included dialogue enactment, a skit on Premchands Panch Parmeshwar, story dramatization and poem recitation on the given topics.

A display of some innovative written work done by students was also exhibited at the main reception.

Ms. Vandana Mishra and Ms. Parul Khungar.