
Literary Week: Mr. Goradia interacts about his book, ' Fly me to the Moon'

On the 24th April, 2017, as a part of Literary Week exchanges, School chairman Mr. Prafull Goradia interacted with classes 8 to 12 on his experience of writing an autobiography. Mr. Goradia has not only authored several books but was also a member of Parliament.

The talk began with a short power point presentation prepared by the students and teachers of glimpses of the important occasions in the author's life. There were pictures from Mr. Goradia's early life, schooling, corporate life etc. He narrated the significant instances when life had offered him either an opportunity or an adversity, the important decisions he took and why. He explained how it is vital for every one of us to note down things on a daily or weekly basis so that writing an account of one's life is easier. Besides it is wonderful learning for oneself to look back and read about how one had managed situations in the past.

The title of the book is taken from an incident in the author's childhood. He was only two years old, when, one night, he threw a tantrum and insisted that his father fly him to the moon! Another interesting part was when Mr. Goradia described his memories of his grandfather's home in Bombay where Ahmad Ali Jinnah, brother of the Qaid e Azam would often visit. One could see the sheer radiance on his face everytime he spoke of those memories. They were so clearly etched in his mind.

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Chairman sir later patiently answered queries of students. It was an interactive session and all of us were very keen to know more and more about his experiences! He not only briefed us about his personal life but enlightened us about Parliament, the Ayodhya issue etc. which also form a part of his book. The teachers too asked several questions.

Mr. Goradia even proposed that School conducts an autobiography-writing exercise at School for students. In reply to a question about whether he was open to a readers writing a critique, he said he would be delighted to engage that way. In fact he encouraged students to consider writing a critique.

It was a very interesting session. The students learnt several new things about Mr. Goradia as well as life in general. Many questions remained unanswered as the session was over but had to Sir promised to come back for these another time. It was a wonderful experience for all of us.

Divi Anand, XII.