
Mashobra Excursion, May, 2013

On 30 May, 2013, a large group of us from classes 6-11, alongwith our teachers boarded the bus for Mashobra. The journey started at 10 p.m. from School. It was an overnight journey and we chatted all night, gorging on snacks, sang songs and played board games.

The next morning at 9:30 am we reached Mashobra Greens and we were allotted cottages. I had to share my cottage with eight of my friends. The cottage was spacious and clean. After breakfast we lazed and explored around. Post lunch we collected for our activities.

We all were divided into groups. My group was named Eagle. Our first activity was Mowgli Walk in which we had to climb on a rope with the help of other ropes. The second activity was also walking on the ropes but with the help of our friend walking in parallel. The third activity was Burma Bridge which was extremely thrilling.

The day ended with bonfire and trekking. The night trek was really awesome. During the trek we saw a shooting star in the clear dark sky and drank the sweet and fresh spring water of the valley.

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The next day started with light exercise and breakfast. After that we headed for the flying fox activity. It was a breathtaking experience. Then we had lunch and went ahead for tree climbing, which was also an enjoyable part of the trip. What added even more merriment was the DJ organised at the camp. It was really exciting and we all danced to popular numbers. Even our teachers joined us. The day ended with delicious Chinese dinner.

On our last day after breakfast we left for Shimla. There we walked through Lakkar Bazar and Mall Road. We spent the day there, walking carefree. Shopping there was fun too. Since it was the last day of trip, everyone was a bit downcast. Obviously no one wanted all that fun to get over so quickly.

We left for Delhi in the evening, playing and singing, aking for a memorable outing.

Report by Himanshi Saini, 9 A.