Mathuse Supermarket, 23 July, 2013 for class 4.
Linking maths with real life through the sale and purchase of things does make maths real and fun to do. This was the theme of an activity organised by the maths department for class IV.
The activity aimed to enable a hands- on experience for students in the act of selling and purchasing commodities. A market scene was created in the auditorium where students played the roles of shopkeepers, cashiers and the customers! The students themselves set up make-belief shops with attractive displays of their products for sale. They used wrappers of grocery items like toothpaste, soap, butter, chips, biscuits etc as dummy- products for sale and they created ' currency' from recycled paper, also a product of their creativity. The preparation itself elicited much excitement amongst the students.
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Shops were set up and by turn the students came up as customers. They were shown the products and were persuaded to buy. Once they selected their purchases, shopkeeper made a bill. Then the customer went over to the cashier to pay the amount.
The activity was received in great enthusiasm. The children learnt to assemble, organise, articulate, weigh, count, receive and return the correct change etc. in fun. Pain-free the objective got assimilated. Even as they asked for more and more!
Filed by Ms. Upasanaa Bhalla.