

Pratishtha Kohli, Himanshi Saini and Shubham Airi of class XIC, Saumya Saxena of XC and Saranshika Dhaliwal of XA represented our School in the annual English literary fest Memosyne 2015, held at Gyan Bharati School on Saturday 25th April. The aim of this creatively designed event was to promote debating and thinking skills in a competitive environment. It affirmed that language is indeed a gift.

The programme commenced with a captivating dance performance, invoking the blessings of the Almighty. This was followed by a powerful rendition of the song Titanium that echoed the indomitable spirit of the Woman. The song with its overtones of feminism and women-empowerment essayed the theme of the topic for the debate: The panacea of all problems ailing women is economic growth and development.

The event was divided into two competitions a literary quiz and a debate. Our quiz team, comprising Saumya Saxena and Saranshika Dhaliwal of class X, was one of the six school teams to qualify for the final. The two won the secondprize in a brilliant display of literary awareness and alertness as they fielded the questions tossed to them.

The debating team, Pratishtha Kohli and Himanshi Saini of class XI vociferouslyopined for and against the motion and handled the interjections with competence. Shubham Airi , also of class XI, did a credible job as an interjector too.Director, Gyan Bharti School, Mr. R.C. Shekhar and the judges Ms.Samjyukta Devi ( Professor, Gandhi College) and Dr. Pema ( Senior Professor,IGNOU ) applauded the efforts of all the participating teams and gave away the

prizes to the deserving teams.

Submitted by Ms. Nidhi Bindra.