
Mini road safety workshops

Ever since the students of classes 9 and 10 were thoroughly familiarised with all the aspects of road safety, they were eager to share their knowledge with their peers and juniors! The students along with the help of sports' teacher Ms. Deepali Gupta conducted mini-workshops in the junior classes.

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The older students would go to the junior classes and in groups, explain the information handed to them. Ofcourse they would try to simplify the matter to make it understood by the different age- groups. The students of classes 1 and 2 were given the basic safety rules eg for crossing the road ( pedestrian rules), and the students of classes 7 and 8 were told of the logic behind each safety rule. They were told the statistics of road accidents in our country each year.

The mini-workshops were very effective and the feedback from the students was also extremely positive. We hope to repeat the exercise from time to time to reinforce the knowledge.

Avantika Chodha.