
Moon Carnival at the Nehru Planetarium

To prepare the children for the imminent celestial spectacle of the moon on 31st January 2018 and to enable them to better appreciate the finer aspects of this unique phenomenon, the Nehru Planetarium organised a workshop named Moon Carnival.

The morning of 31st January was an exciting one for 10 students of class V who, accompanied by their science teacher, boarded a bus to attend the event.

At the venue, we were the first group to be led to the sky theatre where a movie on the life of a certain astronaut was being shown. The students seemed impacted by the story of challenges and eventual triumph.

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This was followed by a students interactive session where children from different schools actively participated in a discussion. They discussed the different phases of the moon, the occurrence of eclipses and the tides. Many myths relating to the various eclipses were discussed and the session was very enriching.

The students were taken to a separate venue for a craft activity which involved depicting the phases of the moon, using cream biscuits as their resource!

The ride back to School was full of excited chatter as students now eagerly awaited witnessing the great night sky spectacle that they now knew all about!

Ms. Parvinder Kaur.