
Ms. Nita Ganguly, children's author interacts with primary students.

School arranged an interactive session with well- known environmentalist and children's author, Ms. Nita Ganguly on 15th November 2016 in the School library.

Ms. Ganguly is a freelancer who conducts pedagogy and environmental workshops and has won several national and state level awards. Besides the national award, Best Teacher for Excellence in Education, she has received the award for Innovative Teaching Practices. Ms. Ganguly has also played a vital role in several educational and environmental projects undertaken by the Department of Environment, Government of Delhi.

The children engaged in a special session on Climatic Change and Water Pollution with Ms. Nita Ganguly while she shared her newly released book Poly-Trap. The book is about the miserable state of aquatic animals nowadays. The story is woven around the character Wiley, a sea horse. The suffering to aquatic life caused by water pollution is poignantly described in her book.

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During the session, our students were cautioned about the need to ban polythene bags and replace them instead with cloth or other bio-degradable bags.

To drive home the point, Ms. Ganguly shared with the children, information about the Great Pacific garbage patch, which has formed gradually with garbage being drawn to these parts as a result of the force of ocean currents. The garbage patch, ( mostly debris), consists of small plastic particles that are suspended above or just below the water's surface and is twice the size of the United States!

The session was so lively that the students requested for extra time to listen to more about this threatening menace! In the end, the students vowed that they would try and educate people around about the harmful effects of plastic to our lives, including marine life.

The initiatives taken by Ms. Ganguly to educate students and society in general about this threat are truly appreciated.

Ms. Monika Kumar.