
National School Health and Wellness Quiz 2019

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of a disease or infirmity - World Health Organisation.

To build the 'Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors' for the Nation, aninnovative inter-school programme evolved to promote its education in the schools. Furthering the cause of enriching knowledge and skills towardsthis paradigm, the National School Health and Wellness Quiz - 2019 was designed by Expressions India ( headed by Dr. Jitender Nagpal) as a creative mode for the empowerment of students.

Since the adolescent phase represents one of the most dynamic and influential periods of human development, creating awareness is crucial for health and well-being concerns at the school itself.

The announcement and inauguration of the championship series consistingof four rounds ( zonal written round, second written round, stage round andchampionship round) was honoured by former President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, during the International Adolescent Summit 2018 heldin the month of December. The championship series aimed at harmonising existing initiatives in school education which include life skills, values and physical education.

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In this regard each school nominated a team of 3 students to actively participate in the first written round of the NationalSchool Health and Wellness Quiz. From our School Arav Dimri , Akshita Panwar of XI- D and Damak Saxena of IX-D took part in the event.scheduled for 29 August 2019 at 10 am at Tagore InternationalSchool, East of Kailash. The event was headed by Principal, Ms Mallika Preman and coordinated by Ms Arti Anand (School counsellor), besides representatives of Expressions India.

The representatives announced the rules for the quiz before distributing questionnaires which consisted of 100 MCQs to be marked in 90 minutes. The subject matter of the MCQs broadly covered the areas includingnutrition, sanitation and hygiene, adolescent charm and challenges, self-awareness, general awareness, environment and life style disordersetcetera. The questions were very interesting and thought provoking and our school team worked in complete coordination and tried to answer the questions with each others consent. We tried to answer the questions where we had diverse opinions by working them out logically and eliminating the irrelevant answers. We were able to attempt all the answers in the given time frame.

The representatives towards the end announced that the result of thatround would be shared within a few days and the qualifying teams would participate in the next round.

We found the entire experience enriching and thought provoking and hope to qualify for the next round.

Damak Saxena, IX-D