
Natures healing

The birds no longer sang, nor did the flowers bloom, The smoke from the factories had engulfed the sky, Spring never came and summers stretched long, The rain poured incessantly, as autumn walked away.   Various species are in threat from habitat loss, The heat waves scorching all, not sparing even the Arctic, Forests burning, rising oceans slowly drowning the coastlines, Doesnt the plight of nature make you deeply sceptic?   Today amidst fear, isolation and death from disease, People are gradually shifting to a new belief, Weve mercilessly stifled Mother Nature with our injustice, Now were terrified and beg relief   Weve been ungrateful for so long, Not realising how little is our control, But while were locked in, environment is healing The fragrant freshness is so appealing! Behind the of your panic, youll hear Breeze wafting through open windows and birds chirping again. The sky is no longer thick with fumes, the air seems suddenly fresh, Life seems renewed and refreshed.., Maybe this situation wasnt really a bane? Appreciate what had vanished in the abyss of climate change. Hold dear this the eternal magnificence of nature. Lets return the environment to its pristine form bit by bit, To save mankind, earth and every living creature.   Sakshi Singh XI - B