
Nursery Orientation Programme 2019

An orientation is customarily held every year at the beginning of the academic session to familiarise parents with the ethos and philosophy of our School. This year the programme was held on 28 April 2019 at 6 pm.

As parents began to arrive the senior School band assembled at the entrance, regaled everyone with some popular pieces . The mood was set!

Class teachers awaited our newest families with a spread of teatime bites laid out on colourful tables marked by the names of the different sections. Parents were then guided to the Hall where the teachers of the Music Department soulfully sang the orientation anthem, Diya Jalao. Parents were handed diyas and asked to place them on a specially mounted frame. This is a tradition at our School and is symbolic of a young life entrusted to learning. The light will be carried forward by the children when they finally leave School as young adult as their light of knowledge which will enable them to light the world outside.

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Hundreds of small soft flames made for a moving spectacle and a truly auspicious ambience. Together with the inspirational song, the effect was utterly elevating.

Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, welcomed the parents. She emphasised that parents and the School must necessarily act as partners and collaborate in the best interest of the child.

After the address, the Senior School orchestra presented enchanting classical jugalbandi. Then an endearing Welcome Song was sung gracefully by the Pre-Primary children.

A slide show then played lending a glimpse of the manifold activities conducted at our School. As our theme this year is the East Coast of India, a Peacock Dance or the Mayil Attam from Tamil Nadi was showcased by students of The Foundation School. Lastly, a Kuchipudi dance was skilfully performed by the tiny tots of Pre-Primary and the newly promoted Class 1. The children carried their costumes with aplomb and didnt miss a single step! The audience could not stop marveling at the poise.

The programme concluded with the pre primary teachers choir singing the School song.