
On-air for clean air with RJ Khurafati Nitin on 92.7 Big FM

Hum Badalenge Tabhi Toh Hawa Badalegi: #HawaTightHai

On 29 November 2019, 50 students of classes III to V of The Indian School got an opportunity to share their concerns about Delhis toxic air and worsening pollution with popular radio presenter, Khurafati Nitin.

The event, an initiative of the Schools Citizenship Programme, in association with 92.7 Big FM, was recorded for the radio campaign #HawaTightHai. The main purpose for the meetup was to forward student concerns to the authorities so as to collectively find a solution to Delhis depleting air quality.

Armed with writing pads and pencils, the excited students set forth on their maiden journey to meet the well-known RJ and to have their voices heard and recorded for the radio!

RJ Nitin started the session by asking the students to write letters to eminent personalities of their choice and share with them the need to come together to fight the air emergency. The task invited a jubilant response as the children not only shared their woes but also suggested ways to tide over the crisis. The students wrote impassioned letters to not only the Delhi Chief Minister but also to the Indian Prime Minister and President, Bollywood celebrities, influential sportspersons and even their own parents!

The lively RJ Nitin moved about requesting the young minds to read aloud their letters and rewarded them with chocolates and packets of seeds; the latter to encourage them to plant trees and contribute to a greener environment.

Rayaan Paul Sah, a student of class IV wrote a letter to Elon Musk in which he talked about how he was upset at the governments handling of the basic issue of clean air in the national capital and that he did not wish to wear a mask in the future.

When RJ Nitin asked Rishima Dubey of class V to read out her letter, she shared how upsetting it was not coming to School on Childrens Day and also how she and her friends resented being confined to the four walls of their respective houses with uncomfortable masks.

Another student, Geetika Gupta of class IV revealed how her grandmother suffers from a lung ailment which worsened due to the poor air in Delhi. Tanmay Gupta of class III referred to Delhi as a victim of stubble burning in the neighbouring states and how he missed out on his favourite skating classes because of the pollution break.

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While most letters highlighted the problems that students faced, some children like Arjun Kapoor of class V also offered a solution. Arjun said that the onus is not only on the government but also on each one of us and supported the idea of carpooling.

Flooded with letters, posters and messages from all students, RJ Nitin and his team were overwhelmed by the spontaneity and articulation of the Indianites and their determination to fight the air pocalypse.

RJ Nitin also interviewed School Principal, Ms Tania Joshi, who emphasised the need to rethink national policies for ensuring that the future generation is in safe hands. Ms Joshi mentioned initiatives which the School has undertaken to reduce the carbon footprint, like the limited usage of air conditioners, planting trees etc, to safeguard the planet.

The session ended with all the students joining RJ Khurafati Nitin on stage and pledging to work for a cleaner air and greener future.

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