
Orientation, Class XI-2015-16.


An orientation programme was conducted for the students of class XI and their parents on 6 April 2015. The session proved to be interactive and informative as the major stakeholders engaged in a meaningful dialogue on the availability of the various subjects and the criteria for stream-allocation.

Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, urged the students to strike a balance between scholastic and co-scholastic activities in the new academic session. She advised them to set realistic goals and work hard towards achieving them. She urged the parents and teachers to focus on the need to develop a positive attitude and a strong personality amongst the children so that they could attain success. The top scorers in the three sections of class XII, namely Raunaq Bhalla (Science), Mehar Kaur (Commerce) and Avni Bhatia (Humanities) shared their experiences on how they managed to strike a balance between regular studies, co-curricular activities and coaching classes to achieve high scores in class XI. They emphasised the need to maintain their files and registers regularly. Submitting assignments on time would help in identifying and remedying weaknesses, they said.

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Dr. Anu Singh elaborated upon the prerequisites for students wanting to pursue science. She emphasised that classes XI and XII must be taken as years of specialisation rather than 2 more years of schooling. Ms. Archana Raichandani spoke about developing logic and application skills in Physics. Ms. Purvi Mehta said that it was important to be consistent and dedicated throughout the two years in order to achieve success. Ms. Navreet Shergill recommended a change in perspective and to consider English, not merely as a subject to be rote memorized at the last minute but, as an important tool kit to help improve overall aggregates. Ms. Pooja Bahl and Ms. Sangita Verma spoke about developing rational and logical thinking in the study of commerce subjects, namely accountancy, business and economics. Ms. Charu Bhatnagar reinforced that humanities should not be treated with prejudice as history proves that several notable personalities from a social science background have been able to motivate and inspire millions around the globe.

This was followed by a discussion on elective subjects namely Mathematics (Ms. Neha Aggrawal), Fashion Studies(Ms. Rachna Malik ), Engineering Graphics( Mr. Dutta), Fine Art( Ms. Garima Singh), Psychology(Ms. Sukheen Cheema), Computer Science and Physical Education.

Ms. Purvi Mehta.