
Orientation evening for Nursery parents

An Orientation for parents of students admitted in Pre school was organised on 20 March, 2013. As customary, the event was to welcome and familiarise parents with the ethos of our School and the spirit behind our methodology. What better than a robust bonding between School and our parents to enable a most harmonious learning process? Parents came beautifully appointed for the special occasion. Tea was served on gaily covered tables as the teachers and didis of each section warmly beckoned their new families. Over muffins, hot pakodas, sandwiches and iced tea parents and teachers relaxed to acquaint with each other. The School band on the reception steps, spared no effort to offer ambience, with their wondrous renderings of the new and old. Many of us felt transported, as it were, in the festive setting.

The parents were then ushered into the hall where the Indian music teachers soulfully sang 'diya jalo' as each set of parents lit a diya to offer, as it were, in custody to the School. Quite as if they were initiating into a sacred bond by placing their children in the hands of their teachers. The song and the music including the flute duly carried the mood. As the evening gathered 2 hundred little lighted wicks winsomely waved in the fans' breeze even as they remained tightly attached in their wax!

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The Principal welcomed the guests and Vice Chairperson, Dr. Nayana Goradia who elaborated the spirit of the School We prepare our children to meet global challenges and ensure that they imbibe and retain our Indian Sanskaras. We build ocean liners with Indian anchor and ethical rudders, she said. She also touched upon the concepts of Self Discovery and Spiral Learning, so deeply ingrained in our curriculum.

Head Teacher (primary) presented an audio- visual introduction to the myriad activities that will both entice and occupy the children, be they curricular or co-curricular.

The crowning of the evening came with a pageant from Latin America by the Pre-primary. They spoke, danced and even played out an extract from a Latin American tale taken from their annual day production of last year! They carried their costumes with aplomb and performed every dance step to perfection as the music offered an energetic beat. The audience did not miss marvelling at their poise as their teachers stood back proud.

The evening closed with the teachers' choir singing the School song. Filed by Ms. V. Roy, Head Teacher, Pre primary section.  

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