
Orientation for Parents of classes VI-X

A special orientation programme was organised for parents, of the students promoted to classes VI to X, on 22nd, 24th and 25th March 2015, at School. Acting Vice-Principal, Dr. Anu Singh and the Coordinator, for classes VI to VIII, Ms. Sunita Singh welcomed parents on this happy occasion. Seats in the hall were occupied by eager and enthusiastic parents whose wards had entered yet another a new phase of School life. Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, in an interactive session, strongly advocated that parents join hands with School in providing a stimulating environment to students for pursuing excellence. She emphasised upon the need for mutual cooperation and trust that would enable School to achieve greater heights. Parents and teachers share equal responsibility for creating a working relationship that will help children succeed academically and emotionally. No doubt an onerous task, but one that can be executed amiably with collaborative effort. Ms. Gandharvi Mukerjee, Ms. Sandhya Batheja and Ms. Mini Bhadran presented a power point presentation titled Gentle Reminders about the Dos and Donts to be followed at School. The presentation prepared the parents on what to expect in the new academic session 2015-16, by offering them a brief glimpse of the new curriculum and the different modes of assessment. The programme concluded with a PPT on parenting titled Ten commandments for 21st century Parents by Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, Citizenship Coordinator at our School and former VP of the Parent-Teacher Association. Citing examples from her personal experience, Ms Aswani was able to provide workable solutions to the myriad challenges faced by parents while bringing up children in the modern world. After a satisfying and enriching experience, the parents proceeded to collect report cards from the class teachers of their wards.

Ms. Navreet Shergill, Acting Vice Principal.