
Our School is awarded the Gold by Climate Reality Project, India

The Indian School was awarded theGold Medalfor its contribution to theGreen Campus Programunder the Climate Reality Project India. The award was named at ICSE 2022, one of the flagship events in the domain of 'Sustainability in Education", held at the SCOPE Convention Centre, Pragati Vihar on 9 and10 September. The event received the participation of more than 1500 schools from India and overseas.

Vice Principal, Dr Anu Singh, and Ms Ayesha Khan, Eco Club in charge, received the honour on behalf of our School at the felicitation ceremony on 10 September 2022.

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Schools were required to submit a comprehensive audit report highlighting their contribution in the fields of environment and sustainability with an emphasis on air quality, biodiversity, climate action, energy conservation, water conservation and waste management.

Mr Kamal Meattle, Trustee, The Climate Project Foundation, warmly welcomed the participating schools. He expressed his concern about carbon footprints and pressed everyone to continue their endeavours to help school children imbibe environment-friendly qualities as a way of life.

Twenty-two deserving schools received platinum, gold, silver and bronze medals at the mega earth event. The schools received feedback on their submissions and were asked to work on them. Schools carry the onerous social and moral responsibility of spreading awareness in society about sustainable practices.

Eco Club, The Indian School