
Paryatan Parv activities

The government, in order to celebrate the spirit of tourism and to motivate people to participate in activities showcasing the tourism potential of our country, launched a campaign named PARYATAN PARV. This was observed between 5th and 25th October, 2017. The Parv aimed at promoting tourism for all.

As our contribution to the Parv, School held activities like slogan writing, a painting competition and a power point presentation on various themes relating to tourism. The themes were, The Role of Tourism in Mutual Understanding and Social Harmony, Tourism brings economic and social prosperity and Education and Tourism go hand in hand.

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Students of classes 6 to 12 enthusiastically participated in celebrating the Parv on 23rd October, 2017. It was a pleasure watching the children express their ideas on paper through the medium of art and colour. They enjoyed the activities as they were not only forced to don their thinking caps and discover the social impact of tourism on mutual understanding; beyond just its amusement quotient. An informative power point presentation was also showcased at one of the assemblies. The PPT highlighted the impact of tourism on the field of education.

Dr. Smriti Singh.