
PP Vega interacts with a Russian teacher on Skype

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world-Robert McKee

Childhood is filled with magical times and wondrous tales of mysterious beings in faraway lands. Storytelling is a unique way for small kids to garner a better understanding of values and cultures from diverse backgrounds and places.

In keeping with The Indian Schools emphasis on global classrooms, a Skype interface was held for PP Vega and Ms Nadezhda Ivanova, a storyteller in Russia, on 21 August 2019 at 8 a.m.

Ms Ivanova is an English teacher at a secondary School and lives in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. In a vivid narrative she brought alive the story of Repka, the Turnip, a Russian folk tale.

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The story revolves around an old man who planted a turnip but was unable to pull it out once it grew big and sweet. The old man was unable to take it out of the soil on his own, so he asked for help from others and together they were able to pull the turnip out. The moral of the story Unity is Strength conveyed the subtle but powerful message of friendship and teamwork.

In turn, the Russian educator was pleasantly surprised to hear the pre-primary children come forward by turn to share the story of Lord Krishna, his friend Sudama and Janmashtami- the festival synonymous with friendship.

Little Hiba expounded how collaboration paves way for success while Sanchay spoke about the joys of sharing with friends.

The Skype session gave the tiny-tots new confidence and an introduction to a new country.

Truly, Skype in the classroom engages children in a fun-filled and imaginative learning experience where both the teller and the listener create something magical!

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