
Pre-Primaries at Deer Park, 18 January 2012

Pre-Primaries at Deer Park It was a cold and foggy morning on both the mornings of 18 and 20 January but did that dampen the enthusiasm of our Pre primaries! No , not at all. All the children had learnt that Deer like to chomp on carrots and cabbage, so they came armed amply with both. We disembarked from the buses and the openness, flora and fauna immediately captivated the children. It was hard to rein them as they scampered freely amidst the beckoning habitat. The teachers persisted to keep order and even had to resort to lamely threatening to not allow the children to feed the animals! The children had been familiarised with facts about the deer, the names for the different genders, like stag for a male deer and doe for the female and fawn for their baby. It was no wonder then that soon they were deer-spotting, antler-counting and peacock-gazing! A walk through the park had us discuss the rough and smooth on the barks of the different trees, spotting burrows and hoping to catch a rabbit peering through, though we didn't have luck there! One of our babies informed us that he had come to this park with his grandma. When quizzed if he now liked coming with his school friends, his newfound little wisdom offered an easy echo of his grandma. " Mujhe mera bachpan yaad aa raha hai he exclaimed and we, teachers had a hard time containing our amusement! We were wistful that none of the others had assembled similar wisdom. It appeared that nature outings are truly turned a casualty of the manic of modern life. As told by of Ms. Viji Vasudev, Head Teacher