
Pre-primary excursion to India Gate and the Metro Museum

The Pre-primary and Primary students set out on an excursion to India Gate and the Metro Museum on 18th and 19th November 2015 respectively. The children were expectedly excited and chatted continuously in their delight as they travelled on the bus. We had already spoken with the children in the classroom about the places they were going to visit. Besides, some had even taken the initiative of asking their parents for even more details! Our first destination was India Gate and we walked the children up close to give them a feel of the dimensions of the edifice and also notice the names of the martyrs who laid down their lives in great courage. The children appeared as if in an awe about the place as they stood around quietly and gazed up inside the arch. Little Shivansh, possibly moved, promptly swing up his little hand in a smart salute at a sentry who sat astride the tank nearby! [gallery link="file"] We proceeded to strolling across to the lawns around where we settled down to a yummy packed lunch of pasta and walnut cake. Very welcome fare in that becoming morning of late autumn! A few games followed before we got back on the bus to head to our next stop. At the Metro Museum located at Patel Chowk, we were warmly welcomed by the museum staff. They ushered us through the galleries, enthusiastically showing the children the dummy metro train. They were already familiar with the working of a metro station as the teachers had given them a demo at School with props in our very own Lilliput area. The museum also amply explained modern transport facilities in general. Several of the children spontaneously and excitedly contributed what they knew about transport from what they had learnt in the classroom! Ramneet Kaur Thukral. (Primary Department)