
Pre-Primary Orientation

The Pre-primary Parent Orientation held on Thursday, 17th March17 aimed to provide parents information about the curriculum as well as the strategies implemented at the level. Parents walking into the Foundation Hall were welcomed by Head Teacher, Ms. Bavleen Kaur. Principal, Ms. Tania Joshi, addressed the parents soliciting their constructive feedback and gave a detailed update on the progress made in the academic year. She also gave some pointers to explain what School has to offer and what is expected from parents as members of The Indian School family.

Head Teacher, Ms. Bavleen Kaur played a sound game with the parents to communicate the the teaching methodologies used in Pre-primary. It was an interactive game where parents enthusiastically took part and gave their feedback about how they felt and what they learnt through the game. The parents were also shown a short movie which conveyed how every child is capable of something or the other and parents and teachers should not push him/ her to meet unrealistic aspirations.

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We also had a presentation by the Pre-primary children who were confident enough to convey their message to the parents present regarding the Dos and Donts of School! Their efforts applauded. This was followed by a power-point presentation by Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, coordinator, Citizenship Programme. She briefed parents about the initiative that our School to inculcate an awareness in our children about their Rights and Responsibilities, as future citizens of the country, through social projects, field work and excursions. Aspects like Shramdaan and Swachch Bharat Abhiyan were talked about.

The programme was a platform for the parents to glimpse the activities in the pre primary.

Ms. Yashikka Chhabra.