

The National Science Center aims to ignite an early interest amongst young children by offering a fun hands'-on experience. The students Pre-Primary and the Pre-School sections of our School visited the Centre on 24th and 25th September 2014, respectively. We left School at 9:15 am and reached by 9:45 am. The children were expectedly excited. We walked through the galleries and each one showcased something novel. The children were initially plodded to try the try- it- yourself models but soon they were so animated that they needed to be restrained a little! Imagination was challenged as we were welcomed with a piano without keys! Assorted musical instruments used in the long past and some others from the present, prompted eager identification by several of the children. The distinctive sounds of pipes, the xylophone etc lent wonder. [gallery] After this we were directed to rooms mounted with an ambience of pre-historic times . Life-sized models of early man as he hunted, gathered and ate depicted how he subsisted and dwellings depicted how he lived etc. Science- based games filled a large hall where we were led next. Each game quietly conveyed a scientific logic even as it entertained. The magnetic field, a liquid puzzle, and the transfer of momentum etc were introduced with functions from day-to-day life. We also saw exhibits of the 5 sense organs and their functions and the children eagerly volunteered observations! The Dino gallery was the most popular and displayed a whole variety of species with animated robotic-dinosaurs. The robots produced sounds and some of the children scurried for cover! The braver among us remained transfixed! The adventure was regardless, loved across us all. After the Dinosaur gallery, we were taken to the Mirror-image section, where the children were overwhelmed by the numerous images they viewed of themselves! The scene was comic and the children reeled in amusement! At the end of the tour, we arrived at the latest addition at the centre which included displays of modern engineering feats recently introduced in our cities, gadgetry, the metro rail, etc. It was time for us to return. Back in the classroom, the children enjoyed drawing and colouring a Dinosaur worksheet as a happy recap exercise. As compiled by Ms. Mayur Bose and Ms. Ramneet Kaur. .