
Pre School Orientation- 2017

The Pre-school orientation was held on Saturday 28th April 2017. As customary, the evening marked the auspicious new beginning of a lasting relationship. An orientation is held every year at the beginning of the academic session to help familiarise parents with the ethos and philosophy of our School. That held for our newest parents, is expectedly special.

Parents arrived well on time for the occasion and were welcomed by the School band. A scrumptious spread was laid out section- wise and parents were treated to them as they enthusiastically interacted with the class teachers. The parents were then ushered into the hall where the Indian music teachers sang the traditional 'diya jalao hymn as each set of parents lit a diya as a sacred symbol of their entrusting their children with us. It was explained, that, when the children are ready to leave School as young adults, they will carry out the diyas as lamps of knowledge to light the world.

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When all the parents had finished lighting their diyas, the hundreds of small soft flames made for a moving spectacle and a truly auspicious ambience. Together with the inspirational song, the effect was utterly elevating.

Head teacher, Pre primary, Ms. Bavleen Kaur welcomed the parents as did Principal Ms. Tania Joshi. Chairman Mr. Prafull Goradia then spoke to describe the vision and mission of our School. He emphasised that parents and the School must necessarily partner and collaborate in the best interest of the child. He pointed out that Poise is the one all-encompassing quality we seek to build in our children.

The programme was ably compered by Gurmahima of class V and Shiven of class II. They skilfully carried the show which included glimpses of last year's Pre primary annual day. As usual, the little performers did not fail to delight! They carried their costumes with aplomb and never missed a single step! The audience could not stop marveling at the poise

The programme concluded with the teachers choir singing the School song.

Ms. Deepti Sawhney.