
Pre School Spring Picnic at Sunder Nursery

As the academic year bows out, the children of Pre School were taken on a customary picnic- this time to Sunder Nursery. On the crisp Spring morning of 17 February 2020 the excited group set out with their friends and teachers to explore a new place.

Sunder Nursery is flanked by the World Heritage Site of Humayuns Tomb to the South, the historic Purana Qila to the North and aligned to the historic Grand Trunk Road to the West. The nursery is in fact an archaeological site with remains of Mughal period structures including three nationally protected monuments, together with pavilions, tombs, grave platforms, wells, and a mosque platform.

The weather was simply perfect for a picnic. As soon as the children stepped out of the buses they squealed in delight at the sprawl before them! The cool air and the vast open freshness seemed to fill them with new enthusiasm and energy and they were raring to run!

The teachers patiently ushered the young visitors as they walked about the nursery. The little ones were told the names of the different trees and flowers as they passed them. They were also told them about the monuments in the complex. The Rose Garden was a treasure of specimens of diverse colours and sizes. The curious group was instructed to neither touch the flowers nor step on the grass.

The students played in the open before settling down for some refreshments. It was a Herculean task to persuade them to leave!

The children enjoyed themselves thoroughly. Even the quietest and most shy could be seen actively participating and soaking in the surroundings.

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