
Public Speaking workshop for classes 9 and 10.

Ten students from class IX and X were privileged to attend a public speaking workshop conducted by Mr. Rajat Rai Handa on 30th October, 2015 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University. The workshop was organised by Wordz, a student-led organisation, aiming at enhancing public speaking and leadership skills amongst the youth. Mr. Handa explained why public speaking is important and how we can overcome our hesitation and become good public speakers by focusing on 5Cs, namely, confidence, content, composure, conviction and being concise.

He covered topics like speech structure, body language and knowing your audience. Mr. Handa spoke about the misconception of moving out of one's ' comfort zone'. He suggested that we try to extend this comfort zone instead of moving out of it. The students were invited to conduct an interactive session and speak about themselves. They were then shown a video with exercises to help contain nervousness and develop voice modulation. Mr. Handa ended the session with the following sentence to motivate the students, ' If you believe in yourself and practice, then you can become a great public speaker.'

The workshop was motivating for the young listeners who came away feeling more confident about taking on, as it were, an opportunity to speak in public.

Ms. Vidhi Hamirwasia.