
Recognition Day 2017 in Primary

Recognition day is the culmination of the hard work put forth by students in an academic year. It is a milestone in their lives where we gather and celebrate their success. It is a time to reap the fruits of their labour and application.

Recognition day is not the end but a beginning to a new horizon of our students career.

At our School, Recognition Day covers every aspect of learning, academics, co-curricular and sport. The purpose of the occasion is to recognise excellence in an environment that encourages positive outcomes for all students in every sphere of learning. It paves the way for the under-achievers to strive harder, lending a healthy atmosphere of competition amongst the students to do their best.

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Keeping this in mind, the customary Recognition Day for Primary was held on 6 May, 2017. The occasion had an enthusiastic gathering of the teachers and parents. Head Teacher, Ms. N. Maini, addressed the gathering by sharing her thoughts on the value of perseverance and dedication. Her address was followed by the Saraswati Vandana which was sung beautifully by the Junior Choir. Then the lamp lighting ceremony followed and then Principal, Ms. Joshi welcomed the parents.

The programme was conducted by Rwiti Roy of VD who welcomed the parents on behalf of the staff and students. Prizes were then announced for the different categories across the classes -Pre-primary to class IV for the session 2016-17. The categories were: Scholastic Achievement, All-Rounder, Best in Computers, Dramatics, Dance, Indian and Western Music, Art, Skating, Yoga, Athletics, Marked Improvement and Cent percent Attendance.

The event was divided into two parts. In the first part the names of the prize winners in classes PP, 1 and 2 were announced by Kushal Bansal, Manya Jain, Shubhi Kohli, Shreya Verma, Prabhleen Kaur and Aanya Pillai. These were handed over by Ms. Tania Joshi, Vice Principal, Ms. Sukhmeen Cheema and our PTA Reps. The anticipation on the faces of the young achievers was evident!

The choir then presented an inspirational song Yeh hausalon ki udaan hai. This was followed by the second set of awards, announced by Bhumika Rustagi, Aditya Kandpal, Sukhbanikaur, Rwiti Roy and Aarav Mudliyar .The winners belonging to classes II and IV received their prizes from Vice Principal, Dr. Anu Singh, Head Teacher, Ms. Neena Maini and our PTA Reps. The winners received their awards to a vigorous applause that reverberated across the auditorium for many moments!

Citizenship Captain, Aarav Mudliyar, offered a vote of thanks on behalf of School as the Junior Choir sang the School song. Everyone stood to attention.

It was a proud occasion for all the achievers and we heartily bless them.

Ms. Vandana Tewari.