
Constitution Day interaction with School chairman for classes 8 and 9

The School Chairman, Mr Prafull Goradia, engaged with lasses 8 and 9 to discuss the Indian constitution over the Zoom and Google Meet platforms on 26 November 2021 at 10 am. Principal, Ms Tania Joshi and Vice-principal, Dr Anu Singh, helped organise the talk to celebrate and raise awareness about Constitution Day which is observed every year on this day, to mark the anniversary of the adoption of the Indian constitution.

Mr Goradia expressed his thoughts and opinions about the Indian constitution, and the students asked him questions to gain a better understanding of the topic. He shared amusing information, like the smuggling of various Articles into the Constitution of India without a discussion in parliament and how the Government of India Act 1935 serves as its framework.

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The educative session divulged a fruitful discussion on numerous topics, including a lively debate on the opening words of the Constitution of India, liberty, equality, and fraternity. These three words were the principal terms used during the French Revolution and later became part of the Constitution of France.

A former Rajya Sabha member, Mr Goradia, highlighted the innate flaws viz-e-viz the contradictory terms of equality and liberty. He confessed that the Indian constitution could have been better framed through a careful analysis of the problems faced by its citizens. A thorough examination of these problems and their resolution would have been most effective. He expressed his belief that India needed a new look that matches the Indian ethos and is not a copy of other countries as their problems differ from those of the Indian people.

The forum also commented upon the deviousness of the British East India Company in capturing an unsuspecting nation under the guise of trade and making money.

A prolific writer and author, Mr Goradia, recommended books for students to read, including a few of his own that describes his perspective of governance.

The hour-long informative and interactive session ended with Mr Goradia responding to the students' queries. Students left the virtual meet with a better insight into the Indian constitution.