
Report on Generation UK-India programme

A three day induction program for the host schools and the teaching assistants from the UK was organised by the British Council at the Kempinski Ambience Hotel from 7 to 9 July, 2015. Our school is one of the schools shortlisted by The British Council to host the teaching assistants coming from the UK, to observe and learn the teaching methodologies adopted by schools in India. Many schools strive to be a part of this program called the GENERATION UK-INDIA ,but only a handful of schools are selected for the same. The programme commenced on 7 July with a cultural programme in which our School performed an interesting dance, fusing the Dandia and Waltz! The music was a blend of a Gujarati song and a waltz. Students dressed in the traditional costumes of two different lands and cultures presented a unique experience. Their choreographed symphony was quite a spectacle.

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The performance was appreciated by all present in the packed theatre at the British Council which reverberated with the sound of applause by the audience. The joy of our children was evident when the chief guest at the event, Shri Chudasama, ( Education Minister of Gujarat )made a special mention, thanking The Indian School children for showcasing such a well synchronised dance! The cultural programme saw the participation of other schools as well, one of which showcased a dance-drama on environment, another presented a fusion of kathak and jive. The teaching assistants from the UK also contributed by reciting 'Daffodils' and ' The cat and the Owl.' They also presented a folk dance from Britain. 8 July was an ice-breaker session between the host schools and their teaching assistants, which was required to clarify the roles of the various stake-holdersin achieving the aim of the project, namely, of providing quality education to children at school and getting them exposed to the culture of another nation. The programme ended on 9 July with the teaching assistants leaving for their host schools to begin a two month long association where they would learn from the Indian education system; its unique features along with our values, food, culture and yoga. Report by Ms. Vandana Tewari.