
Report- Vigilance Week, class 10

On 30th October 2014, students of class X participated in a Vigilance Week activity on Food Adulteration held in the Chemistry lab. They were guided by our Chemistry teacher, Ms. Nausheen.

[gallery] We were told about the various adulterants found in food items and their drastic consequences on human health. She demonstrated with the help of few samples how to identify adulterants in various food items. These were as follows:

1. Black pepper- Papaya seeds are added to black pepper. These can be found out when adulterated black pepper is added to carbon tetrachloride. Papaya seeds float since they are lighter than black pepper. 2. Salt/sugar- Chalk powder or white sand is added to salt/sugar. When water is added to an adulterated sample, salt/sugar gets dissolved in water and chalk powder/white sand settles at the bottom. 3. Rice- Stone chips are added to rice to increase their weight. When adulterated rice is added to water, rice floats on water and stone chips sink. 4. Pulses- Pulses have an adulterant Metanil yellow present in them. These pulses are immersed in water and the mixture is shaken well. Now, when hydrochloric acid is added to this mixture, it turns purplish-pink, indicating the presence of the above adulterant.

The presence of these adulterants affects the quality of the food item. They are mainly added for economic gains. Let us all be alert and aware consumers and as such, spread awareness among other people. CLASS X.