
Round II of the Swami Vivekananda Quiz

Swami Vivekananda, thinker and reformer embraced education or 'man-making, as he called it, the mission of his life. He

attributed infinite power to education and defined it as the manifestation of the perfection already in man. He envisioned a holistic development of the mind, body and soul as the ultimate aim of education.

The Ramakrishna Mission hosted a quiz on the life and teachings of Swami Vivekananda to encourage students to delve into and comprehend the objectives of education in their lives.

Twelve students from our school qualified for the second round of this prestigious quiz and appeared for the same at the Ramakrishna Mission ashram on 16th October 2015. The quiz was conducted in the auditorium there.

There were forty multiple-choice questions of one mark each and an essay of sixty marks. The essay topic for the junior category ( classes VI, VII and VIII) was The School of My Dreams and that for the senior category ( classes IX-XII) was The India of My Dreams.The participants were given an hour and thirty minutes to complete the test. It proved to be an enriching experience for the students and they hoped to qualify for the third and final round of the quiz.