
Samaskritivij Nanamrita and Amrita Kalasangama- a cultural soiree

Our School participated in the Samaskritivij Nanamrita and Amrita Kalasangama at Amrita Vidyalayam on 22nd July 2017. The inauguration programme started at around 9.30 a.m. The Principal of Amrita Vidyalayam, Ms. Bri. Samapika delivered an extremely motivating speech in Sanskrit. It was simultaneously being translated to English for the sake of being understood by those not fluent in Sanskrit. There were other delegates from different disciplines present in the auditorium. Mr. R.K Chaturvedi, Hon'ble Chairman, CBSE, was chief guest.

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It was a very beautiful and well organised programme. It was an endeavour to preserve, celebrate and promote the language of the scriptures, Sanskrit. The host school had on display an exhibition related to this event too. Post the inauguration, the different events of the competition started simultaneously at separate venues. There were around 33 schools that participated in this Amrita Kalasangama 2017.

Riya Sandhu of class XI B from our School participated in the event ' Solo Classical Dance'. Aadrita Goswamy (VIII E), Chhanak Dang (VIII E), and Jasleen Kaur (VII E) participated in the event 'Ad Mad Show'.

All participants were awarded a participation certificate.

Ms. Chandrima Mukherjee.