
School summer excursion to Padampuri

Our School organised an adventure trip to Padampuri, near Kathgodam in Uttarakhand, from 22 to 26 May 2019. 64 students of classes VI to XI, accompanied by 7 teachers, embarked upon an exhilarating journey from School in two buses at 10 pm on 22 May.

The excited party reached Kathgodam the next day at 6 am. However, our destination was a little beyond- Padampuri, a picturesque little hamlet, in the midst of lush vegetation. On arrival at the campsite, we were introduced to the team and staff and given a preview of our itinerary. Our tents were allotted. Of course we were very excited to spend the next few days, away from home, in tents with our friends. It promised to be a novel experience, indeed!

An appetising breakfast was followed by rest in our canopied accommodation. Post lunch, recharged and rejuvenated, our party assembled for the first of our many adventure activities.

We trekked downhill to the middle of the wood, where we were divided into groups, to engage in daring exercises like the Burma bridge, the three rope bridge, the commando net and rope climbing. We overcame our fears and completed each activity with a sense of achievement. We made our way back to the tents, exhausted yet thrilled, after having spent a great time with nature and friends.

We were almost finished with tea when light showers bathed the surroundings. The temperature came down and everyone enjoyed the unexpected rain. Snuggled inside our tents, warm and cosy, we glimpsed the beautiful sight of the rich flora and fauna and the lofty mountains beyond.

Next morning, we gathered at 6:30 am for an exercise session. The instructors made us attempt several fun exercises as a warm-up for the day ahead.

After a hearty breakfast, we headed for the river. It was a day set aside for a riverside picnic lunch alongside rappelling, the flying fox and jumaring manoeuvres. On the way back, the rain and hailstones caught us by surprise!

In the evening we enjoyed dancing to a DJ!

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All good things must come to an end and so did our this taste of adventure. The next day, after another uplifting exercise session, we bid adieu to the Padampuri campsite.

More fun awaited us at Nainital as we engaged in some sightseeing and shopping on Mall Road! Too soon, it was time to begin our return journey to Delhi. It was a most memorable time with our dear Schoolmates and teachers.