
School-wide orientation about Safety Measures undertaken.

Amid reports about schools being soft targets, in the context of security, on 16th January, 2015 our students were given an orientation on safety measures already in place at our School. They were given a demonstration on procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency, chiefly the exercise of lying flat on the floor, rather like one who is lifeless. A special assembly was conducted for the different levels in this regard.

Students were informed about the elevation of the boundary wall, the insertion of barbed wire along its length and that no visitor is allowed inside during School hours without an entry pass duly signed by an authorised person.

The guards are not authorised to accept parcels from anyone outside the gate, including parents. In fact the School gate has been boarded up to restrict the view of within. The children were oriented to ensure that the measures are enabled to become successful with the cooperation of all involved.

Dr. Anu Singh.