
Science lesson on Skype with an Egyptian classroom for class 11B

Science and technology are important parts of our day to day lives. We awake in the morning to an alarm clock and go to bed at night after switching off our lights. All these are affordable and instant options because of science and technology. It is hard to imagine life without science and technology. Indeed, our existence depends on it. Every day new technologies are coming up which are making life easier and more comfortable.

Skype sessions in the classroom make it possible for us to, not only incorporate technology with teaching- learning, but to also make our classrooms innovative by extending them to the farthest corners of the world.

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On 16 December 2019, the students of class XI-B, with their chemistry teacher, participated in a skype session with their peers at the Mansoura College International School in Alexandria, Egypt. The topic they chose was the Preparation of Oxygen in the lab. We decided to choose a similar topic and hence narrowed down on Redox Reactions. The students on both sides were extremely enthusiastic to commence the session.

At the start of the session, both the sides warmly greeted each other and broke the ice. The students in Egypt along with their teacher, Ms Omnia Ismail, then began their demonstration, which was the synthesis of oxygen in the laboratory. A power point presentation was shown to us which gave us a detailed account of the processes they would follow during the reaction. When the oxygen was collected, they lit a matchstick and threw it in the beaker. The oxygen inside the beaker set it ablaze. This proved that the gas was pure oxygen.

Next, we demonstrated three reactions: colour changing sugar solution, reaction of potassium permanganate and the reaction of dichromate (which shows a change in colour but is not a redox reaction).

It was now time for some general interaction. The Egyptian students chatted with us about their way of life and advancements in their country. They named some of the major tourist attractions in Egypt. In turn, our students showed pictures of some famous monuments in Delhi and the diverse food and culture here.

Finally, both sides bid adieu to each other with a promise to meet again soon to discuss some other innovative ideas and facts.